We have added new photos of each puppy from our current litter “S” do their pages – you can find them here after clicking at photo of the puppy
Last weekend – 07.09.24 we attended Special Collie & Sheltie Show in Prešov judged by Mr. Gilles Mervant – very experienced breeder of rough collies and shelties, so we feel very honoured that he appreciated our dogs. Our results:
In finals we were awarded as 2nd BEST IN SHOW KENNEL of 4 entries
Here you can find photos of our dogs from this show.
Big thanks to judge Gilles Mervant for objective and dog-friendly judging and very nice critics! Many thanks to everybody of Klub chovateľov Kólií a Šeltií who contributed on organizing this fantastic show
and to everybody at show for lovely day and fellowship ![❤](https://static.xx.fbcdn.net/images/emoji.php/v9/ted/2/16/2764.png)